A unique online learning platform which features 19 digitalised interactive case studies that address each of the 19 ‘Professionalising Career Guidance’ competences (Cedefop). In GeGS, the e-learning platform facilitated peer‑assisted learning through the Community of Practice to exchange ideas, problem‑solve, and share effective practice. You can now navigate it and enjoy your learning journey across the Thematic Pathways for guidance practitioners.
Go to the new GeGS e-Learning platform here!
The Jobiri AI career counsellor GeGS is based on the Jobiri AI‑based career counselling system, internationally recognised as innovative, effective, and ground-breaking. The platform’s features have been tailored to the needs of the regional ministries and community of practitioners participating in the project. Discover more below!
GeGS has been developed through the lived experience of thousands across several sectors who have so far been involved in the guide series. Continuing this participatory approach, the current measure will involve 180 new teachers, trainers and IAG practitioners.
“Developing a case study is an effective and original way to better understand one’s own practice and the skills and attitudes needed. It is also a great tool to compare it to those of other practitioners. This enhances my daily work”
Employability Practitioner
“From a low-level baseline of digital skills it was amazing to see the speed in which the Digital Leadership Group supported one-another to produce diverse high quality digital content”.
Julie Parish from Rinova, leader of work package 1
“Being part of the Community of Practice was a great way to learn together and draw new inspiration. It was fascinating to discover the opportunities and challenges practitioners face in other countries. I also gained new insight that I can use in other projects.”
Project Coordinator and CoP member