We are thrilled to announce the launch of our upgraded Moodle course, designed for
managers and practitioners navigating the evolving realm of vocational education and training
(VET) and IAG services.
Your learning adventure begins now!
Visit the new Moodle platform on this link: https://www.goodeguidance.cloud/
The Digital Imperative: In today’s fast-paced world, the transformation of VET and IAG
services into e-services is not just a trend—it’s an imperative. The European Commission
underscores the significance of bridging the digital skills gap, positioning it as a top priority.
It is within this context that our Moodle platform steps in.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Project Hub: Explore additional project-related materials housed on the
GeGS website, providing a comprehensive hub for all project-related information.
Interactive Learning Experience: Experience our interactive Moodle platform. Students can
create their accounts, fostering a personalized learning journey where they can trace their
progress and actively engage with the course content.
CEDEFOP Clusters: Explore the essential competences and skills required in the field of IAG
as outlined by CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training).
Our platform provides a dedicated section, « CEDEFOP – CLUSTERS OF PROFESSIONAL
COMPETENCES, » where case studies are thoughtfully organized to align with these
competency clusters.
Thematic Tracks: Begin a structured learning experience with our carefully designed thematic
tracks. Delve into specialized topics, explore interconnected case studies, and deepen your
knowledge in specific areas. These thematic tracks are tailored to meet the precise training
needs of both practitioners and managers, offering a holistic and comprehensive learning
Practical Learning with Case Studies: Our course also offers practical learning. Case studies
serve as useful tools, enabling you to apply professional and digital skills in real-life
scenarios. Tackle common challenges faced by guidance practitioners and develop effective
solutions using your newfound knowledge and skills.
Navigating the Learning Path: Navigating through the learning materials is intuitive. In the
organized into three categories: Practitioner Skills & Values, Working with Clients, and
Systems and Networks. Thematic Pathways cross-reference case studies, grouping them into
tracks designed to cater to the specific training needs of practitioners and managers.
We are excited to accompany you on this journey of professional and digital development.
Join us in shaping the future of IAG services.