Among the many innovations being introduced in GeGS, one of the most exciting aspects is the piloting of a digital career advisor based on artificial intelligence technology. Developed by Italian project partner Jobiri, the platform will be tailored to the needs of the regional ministries and practitioners participating in the project.
plusAmong the many innovations being introduced in GeGS, one of the most exciting aspects is the piloting of a digital career advisor based on artificial intelligence technology. Developed by Italian project partner Jobiri, the platform will be tailored to the needs of the regional ministries and practitioners participating in the project.
plusRépondant au besoin émergent de modernisation dans les secteurs de l'information, du conseil et de l'orientation (IAG) et de l'enseignement et de la formation professionnels (EFP) en Europe, Good e-Guidance Stories (GEGS) offre une mesure politique holistique, testée et mise en place pour obtenir un impact systémique au niveau européen, national, régional et local.