Good e-Guidance Stories


Représentant des organisations publiques et privées, le partenariat GeGS se compose de 12 institutions de six pays européens. Le projet est stratégiquement dirigé par la Région autonome de Sardaigne en Italie, rejointe par l’Administration du Sénat pour l’intégration, le travail et les affaires sociales à Berlin, en Allemagne, et la Région de Thessalie en Grèce. Chaque ministère régional est associé à des prestataires locaux de services d’EFP/d’emploi réputés qui offrent une expérience directe de travail avec les groupes cibles du projet. Enfin, GEGS comprend davantage de partenaires clés, qui apportent une expertise innovante en matière de services d’information, de conseil et d’orientation d’IAG et de développement des compétences.

MetropolisNet, Germany

MetropolisNet EEIG is a unique network of organisations developing and implementing local strategies for employment and social inclusion in European cities. The network promotes collaboration and knowledge exchange on the local, regional, and transnational dimensions of EU local development policies. The partnership is also a forum for sharing information and good practice on re-integrating disadvantaged groups in the labour market.

Autonomous Region of Sardinia

The Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS) is the regional authority of the Sardinia island. Since the Italian Constitution of 1948, due to its insularity, Sardinia has an Autonomous Status. The RAS – DG Employment body is responsible for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of services, projects, and activities in the area of “policies for citizens” including vocational guidance, professional training and education.

Berlin Senate Department for Integration, Labour and Social Services

The Berlin Senate Department for Integration, Labour and Social Affairs (SenIAS) is responsible for integration, labour market and social policy in the state of Berlin. In the field of labour SenIAS has implemented a number of programmes and measures to promote employment, vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning. This includes the promotion of employment and career guidance providers to ensure that demands for future skills are met.


The Region of Thessaly is one of the 13 regions of Greece. It covers a part of Central Greece and is sub-divided into 5 regional units and 25 municipalities. The population of the Region of Thessaly is 732.762 and, in its capital Larissa, live more than 200.000 people. The Regional Governor is Konstantinos Agorastos and the Region of Thessaly participates in many co-financed European programs.


SÖSTRA GmbH is a private organization which specializes in policy evaluation. Nous nous concentrons principalement sur les politiques du marché du travail et de l'emploi et les stratégies d'intégration sociale. A team of social scientists, political scientists and economists carries out impact analyses and evaluations of political programmes on national or regional level in these fields.

Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung, Germany

gsub mbH was founded in 1991 with the purpose of implementing labour market policies in reunified Berlin and has evolved over the following years into a service provider in the public sector. Today, gsub mbH is active in the fields of employment and labour market policy, education policy, economic policy, children and youth policy, integration and inclusion.

CIOFS/FP Association

CIOFS-FP is a non-profit association that deals with vocational training and the labour market. The Association currently operates in 11 Italian regions with about 60 vocational training centres involving more than 900 trainers and with a variety of initial and continuing training offers in various sectors, guidance services, employment services and business services, initiatives and projects, reaching more than 16,000 trainees each year.

Ballymun Job Centre

The Ballymun Job Centre (BJC) was established in 1986 as a community response to chronic unemployment. A voluntary organisation with charitable status, the BJC has a proven track record of providing quality and innovative services. BJC aims to provide individuals with greater labour market choice and the opportunity to improve their employability, increase their earning potential and reduce their vulnerability to poverty.

Rinova Limited, United Kingdom

Rinova Ltd is an employee-owned social enterprise that specialises in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of economic, cultural and social innovation programmes in the areas of lifelong learning, arts and cultural inclusion, employability and entrepreneurship. Elle est active dans les programmes de l'UE et est l'une des rares organisations intermédiaires britanniques pour Erasmus pour les jeunes entrepreneurs, le programme d'échange transfrontalier COSME.

Eurocircle, France

Eurocircle is an association that develops European projects and promotes European citizenship and values in the Provence region. Dedicated mainly to youth, it allows for the mobility of young people in Europe to promote non formal education as a means to facilitate social and professional integration. Eurocirlce is also coordinator and partner in different EU projects in the areas of inclusion, employment, sport, culture and citizenship.

DIMITRA Education & Consulting

DIMITRA Education & Consulting is a Vocational Education & Training organisation with training centers in five cities in Greece. The organisation is accredited in offering both initial and continuing VET courses and consulting services. Since 1989, DIMITRA holds extensive experience and unique competencies in producing innovative and participative tools and methodologies towards the promotion of social inclusion, educational, cultural, scientific and economic growth.

Job4U srl (Jobiri)

Jobiri is the 1st online career consultant using AI to speed up any job search while creating more effective, human and universal career services. À la manière d'un véritable coach de carrière, Jobiri aide les demandeurs d'emploi à définir leurs objectifs de carrière, crée des CV ou des lettres de motivation et les corrige automatiquement. C'est un allié fidèle et infatigable pour tout demandeur d'emploi et institution visionnaire qui souhaite des services de carrière plus efficaces, accessibles et efficients.