Good e-Guidance Stories

Category: Allgemein

New GeGS Training Framework now available!


Digitizing IAG services: Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Career Guidance

Among the many innovations being introduced in GeGS, one of the most exciting aspects is the piloting of a digital career advisor based on artificial intelligence technology. Developed by Italian project partner Jobiri, the platform will be tailored to the needs of the regional ministries and practitioners participating in the project.


READ: Rinova Ltd on its Long GeGS Journey

Among the many innovations being introduced in GeGS, one of the most exciting aspects is the piloting of a digital career advisor based on artificial intelligence technology. Developed by Italian project partner Jobiri, the platform will be tailored to the needs of the regional ministries and practitioners participating in the project.


Good e-Guidance Stories: Berufsberatung gemeinsam modernisieren!

Als Reaktion auf den sich abzeichnenden Modernisierungsbedarf in den Bereichen Information, Beratung und Orientierung (IAG) und Berufsbildung (VET) in ganz Europa ist das Projekt Good e-Guidance Stories (GEGS) eine ganzheitliche Maßnahme, um systemische Wirkung auf EU-, nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene zu erzielen.
